Thursday, September 16, 2010


My first year of my MPA was full of anticipation. Interning at the Alliance for Innovation and shadowing city managers, I gained a sense of what it would be like to work in a city government.  Despite these invaluable experiences, I could not help but wonder what my experience would ultimately be like, what type of employee and manger would I be? I was eager to know how it would work and feel to start working on projects from their infancy and see how they progress and ultimately impact the community.

The anticipation is finally over.  In the three months I have spent in the City of Maricopa thus far, my experience has exceeded my expectations.  My experience has been fun, challenging, and at times overwhelming.  It is not only the work that makes this so, but simultaneously learning about the community and the organization in order to develop greater context for the day to day operations and decisions.  Through personal management of projects and observations, I am beginning to realize my work style and ultimately what kind of manager I hope to become. I look forward to sharing my experiences and thoughts as they progress throughout the semester.


  1. sounds like you have a pretty awesome and progressive internship here. Are you an urban and metro studies major? Im curious to see more about the different projects and things you do this semester in your work.

  2. interning with the city does seem exciting! I am considering working for the city. However, I lack experience. I do have experience working with my organizations on campus with planning and etc. How do you get internships with the city? I currently live in Surprise and have been on their website many times but didn't come across any internships.
