Monday, December 6, 2010

Media Picks Up on Scholarship Match

 I gave my first phone interview to the press on behalf of the City last week and the article came out in today's paper.  The reporter was seeking more information about the Scholarship Match program.   I kept hoping that the reporter would pick up good quotes when we did the interview over the phone.  It turned out pretty well for the first time.  I am sure I will feel more comfortable in future interviews.  Below is the link to the article.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Implementing the Academic Scholarship Match Program

This week I learned about the challenges associated with implementing a new program. The City Council approved the Academic Scholarship Match program with the understanding that it would become available to local non-profits by Tuesday November 30th.  Therefore, my boss and I have been working with staff in the Information Technology and Communications divisions to get everything set up to meet this deadline.  These tasks include announcing the program to local non-profits and posting the description and application on the City's website.  Luckily the information was posted to the website by the deadline and the email was sent out to the non-profits the following day.  I feel I have learned the most the past couple of weeks from managing this program along with other projects and from the mistakes I have made along the way.  In turn, I believe that I am growing in my capacity to manage projects, and I hope this continues throughout the duration of my internship.