Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Strategic Plan

The strategic plan represents one of the guiding documents for the City of Maricopa.  It includes the City Council's broad priorities and more specific objectives in the areas of Economic Sustainability, Quality of Life, Transportation Connectivity, Public Safety, and Managing the Future.  Annually the City Council meets to make updates to the plan and determine which priorities and objectives will be the focus of the year, in turn, what associated action items staff should develop and accomplish.  Given the establishment of priorities, the strategic plan document and retreat provides the foundation for the upcoming budget cycle as well.

This past Friday and Saturday I had the opportunity to attend the Maricopa City Council's strategic planning retreat.  In attendance was the City Council, the media, City Manager, City Manager's Office staff, and Department Heads.  The retreat was moderated by a third party to make sure the time was being used efficiently.  Friday was spent reviewing the previous year's action items and determining which ones were completed and which would need to be incorporated in this year's plan.  Corresponding staff members provided the City Council with updates on action items which helped them work through this process.  On Saturday the City Council ultimately decided which objectives they want the City to focus on this year. It was interesting to see the advisory role the City Manager and City staff played with the council.  The next step is for City staff to develop specific action items before final approval by the City Council by January.

During the MPA program we read and learn about the strategic planning process and the interaction between the City Manager and City Council; however, it is even more interesting to see it in action.

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