Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Presentation to City Council

Tonight I gave my first presentation before the full City Council to request their approval of an Academic Scholarship Match program.  In summary, the program would enable the City to provide a dollar for dollar match with local non-profits to provide academic scholarships to high school students pursuing higher education. After waiting three hours through a work session and first agenda items of the regular meeting, it was finally my time to present.  Those hours of waiting in anticipation were filled with excitement and nervousness.   My supervisor introduced me and the council member who championed the idea gave a few words.  With that I went into my presentation regarding the specifics of the program.  The presentation was not perfect, but it was clear and concise.  I then answered Council's questions when posed to me and listened as they conversed amongst themselves in anticipation for more questions.  Ultimately the Council voted to approve the program, and from this point forward I will be working with my colleagues to implement it.  I will leave this implementation task for tomorrow, tonight I will continue to take in the moment!

Refer to the next blog post to read about the months of work that lead up to tonight's presentation.


  1. Good work Stacy. You have achieved your intended goal, and now it is time to make it work. Good for you, you are making a great difference in your society. You have opened a big opportunity benefits to those high school students and they will finally appreciate your hard work and dedication. It takes a reasonable person to do things like that for his or her community. Good luck to you.

  2. Bravo Stacy!
    You are such a brave woman, I am sure it is not easy to go in front of the Council, present and answer questions!, I think that even the most experienced managers get nervous when they have to appear before the Council.

  3. This sounds like an interesting partnership between the NPO and Mesa. Kudos for going infront of the coucil as well. I once had to present in front of 70+ citizens at a planning meeting and the sitting and waiting for your turn was by far the worst part.
