Sunday, November 28, 2010

After the Four Day Weekend

Don't get me wrong, having a four day weekend has been wonderful.  It has been great to spend time with my family, have some fun, and get things done around the house.  Unfortunately, the weekend came right before some work deadlines; therefore, enjoying the weekend will result in a busy week starting tomorrow.

Interestingly this fall my finals occurred earlier in the semester; therefore, this is the first time where work responsibilities outweigh school ones as we approach winter break.  It is an interesting and welcoming feeling. Though work remains very busy, I am looking forward to enjoying the holidays earlier in December than in past years.  I want to wish my best to all of my peers still working on finals; hang in there, winter break is almost here.


  1. Happy holidays Stacy, hope your finals went well and good luck with those deadlines!
