Saturday, November 20, 2010

Work Leading Up to Council Presentation

The idea behind developing a scholarship program stemmed from this year's budget discussions.  City Council supported a scholarship program by including it in their strategic plan and allocating $10,000 in the current budget.  Preliminary research by staff indicated that the City is restricted in its ability to offer direct scholarships to students; therefore, recommending the development of a scholarship match program with local non-profits.  When I began my internship this summer, I was tasked with researching other cities' scholarship match programs.  I then presented this research to a council sub-committee.  Incorporating the research and feedback from the committee, I drafted a program description and application.  These too where vetted through the subcommittee and staff.

Two weeks ago, I became aware that the program would be considered by the full City Council for approval.  The last two weeks were busy with all of the required preparations.  I drafted a staff report that summarized the program for the Council and vetted it through staff.  I then submitted the staff report, program description, and application to the City Clerk for inclusion in the Council's meeting packet.  Finally, I developed the power point presentation.  By this point, I had spent so much time and thought on this project, it created challenges in effectively communicating it to people who knew little of it.  I am grateful for one of my co-workers who knew little about the program and was able to give me valuable suggestions for better communicating to the City Council and citizens.  Once completed, my power point slides were vetted by staff the day before the Council meeting.  I practiced my presentation to my supervisor and co-worker prior to giving it to Council.  I realize that having so many people vet the program throughout the process along with practicing the presentation helped me build confidence for my first presentation before the Council.

All in all I learned first hand how much staff reports and materials are worked and reworked before they ultimately reach discussion and action in a Council meeting.

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