Monday, November 22, 2010


For the first time my family adopted a family for Thanksgiving.  This past Sunday we went out shopping for their dinner including all of their requests.  We then delivered it to their house.  It felt great to see their reaction upon the delivery and interact with their six young children.  The cutest thing was when the oldest girl asked if we wanted a soda before we left.  It made me remember a theme from one of John Steinbeck's novels that those who have the least can be the most generous. I admire families that seek help on the holidays because it takes strength to admit that you need help to provide a Thanksgiving dinner or toys for your children on Christmas. Whether it's adopting a family or inviting family, friends, or even strangers to your home, the spirit of Thanksgiving is about being thankful for the opportunity to be together and share great food and memories.  Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. The generosity you and your family were able to spread this Thanksgiving is commendable. Considering the economic state our state is in, I'm sure more people then ever need help like your family showed.

    Good job!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Stacy!,
    you and your family have a great heart and it is a blessing being able to sow into other's people lives. I also agree with you on the quote that those who have the least can be the most generous, I have seen it many times and I admire them!.

  3. Thats really wonderful. This was the first thanksgiving where I had my son and was able to experience that with him. It was really nice.

  4. Service is great. I think its awesome that you truly got into the spirit of Thanksgiving. Its a wonderful time of year to think of others.
